The Pontiac Junior High School Girls Basketball Teams played against Epiphany, Monday, September 25, at home. The final score for the 7th grade team was Pontiac 12 and Epiphany 20. Albertson scored 4 points, Gallo scored 2 points, Gipp scored 4 points, and Taylor, A. scored 2 points. The record for 7th Grade is now 1 - 4.
The final score for the 8th grade team was Pontiac 22 and Epiphany 26. Branscum scored 8 points, Hicks scored 1 point, Serna scored 9 points, and Stadler scored 4 points. The 8th Grade record is now 2 -3.
Both teams will play Bloomington at BJHS today, Tuesday, September 26, at 4:30. Good luck ladies!