Hooley is a retired service dog who is owned by the Hoeniges family. He was the service dog for their children, who have Autism, but as he aged he was no longer able to fulfill that role. They generously volunteered his services as a Therapy Dog for our school. He has been such a welcome addition. All of the students have had a classroom presentation on Hooley's background and how to approach him. The students always ask to pet him first, as they should ask with any dog they meet. Hooley loves to be petted and loves to be a listening ear when a student is upset or if they just need an understanding snuggle. He also enjoys being read to. Students do not have to interact with Hooley if they don’t wish to, although he is very popular as he walks down the hall! Hooley is with us about 25 hours a week and he stays with Aprile O’Keefe, our School Social Worker. Please reach out if you have any questions in regard to Hooley or would like to meet him!