PE Newsletter for November

REMINDER: With the seasons changing, the weather can be wet and chilly. Please remember to send your student with gym shoes and a jacket if they do not wear them to school. We will continue going outside as much as possible, so come prepared. Your cooperation is appreciated!

In October, our students made great progress with their foot skills. We had a great time playing games like Pin Knockdown and Line Soccer to work on our skills. Be sure to continue practicing outside of school!

November will bring some hopping, hooping, and hoorays, as we begin Juggling, Hula Hooping, and Jump Roping. Students will learn the basic movement pattern needed to juggle three objects. We will begin with juggling scarves and hopefully advance to juggling two or three yarn balls! Hula Hoops provide the students with many avenues for skill practice. They will be used to swing around hips, but also to jump in and out of, run or crawl through, and used as "islands". Jumping rope is a lifelong physical skill that can be used to stay healthy. Students will learn beginner and intermediate skills to light up any jump rope!

It is shaping up to be a great month! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to send me an email at!

Stay Active, Mr. Stone